Best crystals to awaken the Feminine Spirit that’s within all of Us

"The April Manifestation Box theme is “Divine Feminine” with tools included to awaken the feminine spirit that’s within all of us. The "Words of Wisdom" intro letter that comes in the box was so inspiring and full of thought gems on why it’s so important to connect to this energy and how to go about it.
So much of it resonated with me from how not leaning into our feminine side can cause stress, anxiety and burnout and also how it can leave you wondering what we should be doing with life instead of following our intuition. This letter and the included healing tools have certainly inspired me to put more effort into tapping into that feminine energy and noticing how embracing it will improve my life experience. I’m so glad for this reminder and the corresponding tools that will help support the process." started off the Botanic Gal in her review of the box.
Here’s a closer look at the products in the April box:

Green Moonstone Bracelet
Each month a handcrafted gemstone bracelet is included. It’s personalized to your wrist size and made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. This month the bracelet inspired by “Divine Feminine” is made with green moonstone. The information cards shared that: “Green Moonstone is a powerful and mysterious gemstone and is a relatively uncommon form of moonstones. This gemstone: symbolizes mystery, magic, feminine goddess energy, emotional balance, love, and compassion. Green Moonstone has been used for ages to deal with overwhelming feelings that might make you feel extremely emotionally drained.”
I love the color of this bracelet! One of my faves for sure. It’s soothing, calming and just reminds me of the sea or something. It’s light and delicate blue/green color feels soft and feminine too, but not soft like pink does, more like a softened version of strength. I like that this is a unique version of moonstone and appreciate it’s healing energies that are perfect for assist with tapping into the divine feminine. It will help me bring myself the self love, curiosity and compassion that is necessary for uncovering and strengthening my feminine energy.
White Abalone Shell Pendant Necklace
You will also find a handcrafted gemstone necklace in each monthly box. It is also made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. The “Divine Feminine” necklace this month is made with a beautiful iridescent, teardrop shaped piece of abalone shell. I absolutely love it’s ocean vibes and subtle colors. It’s pairing with the rose gold chain is just so perfect too. I had mentioned in a previous review how it might be fun to switch up the chain color occasionally and this is the first one sent with a different metal used. And doesn’t it just pair perfectly with the colors the abalone reflects?! I just love this necklace for it’s looks, but of course it’s healing properties are a perfect pair for the monthly theme too.
The included information shared that: “Abalone Shell is said to enhance feelings of peace, compassion and love. It has a lovely warm, gentle vibration. It is great in times of tough emotional issues, soothing the nerves and encouraging a calm demeanor. The Abalone Shell is a perfect gift for those who have survived traumatic experiences, to let them know that while they may have been tossed and turned themselves as the shell has been in the sea, in the end, they are only more beautiful for it.” The healing energies this necklace brings are just so beautiful. I love the meaning, the gift it can be for the soul and it’s abilities to calm the nerves, much like the ocean where it comes from does too. I think this might be my favorite necklace received to date!
Bronzite Healing Crystal
Each monthly box includes a healing crystal, a gemstone or an earth element to meditate with. You can hold it in your palm or keep it under your pillow to enhance your practice. This month the healing crystal of bronzite was chosen and is a sweet little heart shaped stone. The handy interpretation card included information that “Bronzite has an energy that helps to promote peace and harmony. It is used for protection, as it not only repels, but also sends back the negative energies to the sender 😉 This stone provides us with the courage to act on our thoughts and feelings. It instils the courage to follow through with life path decisions. Bronzite is known as the “stone of courtesy,” as it believed to boost such feelings as love, equality, and protect anyone.”
This is a great stone for this month’s theme, and also another one that I don’t have in my collection which is always nice. The healing energies make it a perfect companion for finding trust in that feminine energy and instinct. It should help with follow it while also repelling any energies that seem to want to stop you on your course.
Affirmation Cards
Each month you will also receive two powerful affirmation cards to create EMPOWERING BELIEFS and set your mind on compassionate living. The idea is to keep one, and gift one. This month’s message is “You don’t have to play masculine to be a strong woman” -Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Such a simple but powerful reminder that it’s not outward strength that makes for true strength. In keeping with this month’s theme, it’s a reminder that softeners and leaning into the power of the feminine energy is where true strength lies.
It can be easy to be lead to believe the opposite in this society, so this is a good reminder to keep focus on owning your feminine energies. The the simple design and calming photo is nice as always, but this month’s image of a group of women really fits the theme and amplifies the tie to the theme. Of course I appreciate that there is an extra affirmation card to give to a friend since lifting up other women’s feminine energy can only enhance our own. I will definitely be sharing this with another fab female.
Astrology Forecast
You’ll receive a PERSONALIZED Astrology forecast for health, love and happiness based on your Zodiac each month. When you subscribe you choose your zodiac on the submission form and then each month you’ll get a horoscope sent just for you. I’m a sucker for reading horoscopes so I love that one comes with this subscription. I appreciate how it loosely connects to the theme in that it asks deep questions for self discovery, but is larger in it’s purpose too.
My personal horoscope says April is all about a time of personal growth. I love that theme as it totally ties into the awakening of the feminine spirit. You can’t acknowledge more of your divine feminine without also experiencing personal growth too. It mentions being more in tune with my emotions, experiencing and prioritizing more leisure activities, trying new hobbies and more – all of which sound exactly how personal growth occurs. I can’t wait to see what the month of April has in store!
Final Thoughts
The April 2022 Manifestation Box was just so lovely! I love the theme and coordinating healing tools. It all feels very timely and relevant as I’m reviewing this box during the month of March which is actually Women’s History Month and includes International Women’s Day on the 8th. So while the tools might have matched the month of March better than April, I’m glad to have them to carry on the theme of celebrating females and feminine energy beyond this month of celebration.
I think it’s easy to feel squashed or defeated as a female, or like you have to hide parts of yourself to be relevant or validated, so I really appreciate the strength-inspiring crystals sent this month that remind me to bring courage, calmness, self-compassion and my own magic to all of life’s situations. I’m overall really excited about this month’s jewelry for the strong vibes and of course the beauty which really remind me of the ocean which is full of feminine energy in it’s calm strength and depth of beauty too.
There you have my subscription highlight on the April 2022 Manifestation Box from Gogh Jewelry Design. Subscribe here and use the codes below!
- $5 Off First Month for Monthly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL5
- $10 off First Month for Quarterly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL10
- $20 off First Month for 6 month Plan with code: BOTANICGAL20
- $50 off First Month for 1 year Plan with code: BOTANICGAL50
AND, if you just want some jewelry without the subscription, find all kinds of beautiful accessories here. Be sure to use this code: BOTANICGAL for 10% off your order.