



It is the beginning of the year, and we are exhausted. We have decided to slow down, learn better, take care of ourselves and dedicate more time to our needs.

Instead, we have accumulated even more complications and stress between balancing careers, relationships, social life, and family, modern lifestyles.

How can we unwind when it seems there is never enough time?

One of the biggest mistakes we sometimes make is to believe that we need a total and extended break to unwind. If we cannot have it all, we won't have it. So we keep cramming our schedules and looking forward to that desired break that won't come for another – fill in the blank- week, month, or even years.

And by the time we arrive there, we are so burned out and conditioned to function in a certain way that we won't be able to unwind as needed.

We need to remember that just stepping away from something stressful for a few minutes or taking time away from our everyday routines and thoughts can give us enough space and distance to feel calmer.

Becoming aware of the present moment allows us to realize its beauty instead of thinking about our past or worrying about our future.

We need to learn to spend time alone; it allows us to gather our thoughts and emotions.

The simple act of spending even just 5 minutes with ourselves can help us calm down a lot.

Additionally, we can implement these little actions even with a busy schedule:

Go for a walk or exercise in general.

Get some sun.

Look outside the window to the clouds, the sky, and even people; let's take a break from the list we have created to pressure us into always going and doing things.

Learn to look inside ourselves; meditation, correct breathing techniques, and relaxation all help us look inward and realize where we hold the tension.

Breathe deeply into our body while scanning and imagine fresh breath flowing to the specific body part or mindset we need to relax.

Read a book.

Write a journal.

Have a bubble bath.

Drink an herbal tea (my favorite is Chamomile).

Put the phone down and turn off all notifications.

Sit with your pet or loved one.

Enjoy your garden.

Get a massage.

Take a recreational class you always wanted to (I want to get back to ceramics).

Listening to our favorite music can reduce our anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure.

It seems easier said than done; many of us question how we acquire the time.

There is one lesson to be learned: set your boundaries.

The first boundaries are within ourselves. We need to know our limits and accept them not as a weakness or failures but as part of who we are, not what others tell us we should be.

We accomplish that by learning to speak up, saying "no" calmly, and directly by refusing to be pigeonholed into doing specific things or engage in behaviors.

Last but not least, we need to drop the sense of "I am not good enough if" and instead learn to pat ourselves on the back for not trying to please everyone and do everything.

For the  January 2023 Manifestation Box I prepared you tools to help unwind after the holiday season, a busy week at work and our overcrowded calendar in general. Find something that relaxes you and make it a priority in your life!

Stay strong, stay positive! Love, Szilvia


 Manifest your dreams!Peek inside the January Manifestation Box

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    Shawna Mullins : January 09, 2023

    I look forward to the new year and subscribing to your monthly manifestation box as I miss it so much. As always sending love light positivity your way looking forward to resubscribing as I would never subscribe with anyone else. It’s just been a tough year 2023 is going to be a great year!

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