Which are the Best Crystals for Self Acceptance?

With Valentines and Galentines and Singles Day this month… I feel it is the perfect time to work on self acceptance and practice self love. So, for the February Manifestation Box Practice I provided you with crystals that aid Self-Acceptance. In the month when we celebrate Love, we have to remember to first love ourselves. And that is only possible after we accept ourselves with all the imperfection.
You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.
"What makes this jewelry extra special, besides the uniqueness, handcrafted quality, and beautifully chosen stones, is that every detail down to the individual crystals themselves is chosen with intention. The materials utilized are of course special in that they have powerful energies, but also because they are part of a collection gathered on the designer’s worldly travels. Szilvia is a scuba diver, stunt woman, photo journalist, yoga enthusiast and world traveler who is inspired by the ocean in her creative process. The materials she collections on her trips are what is transformed into the very jewelry you’ll find in this box that’s meant to nourish the mind, body and soul," said the Botanic Gal in her monthly review of the Manifestation Box.

Let's take a look inside of the Self Acceptance Manifestation Box!
The February 2022 Manifestation Box theme is “Self-Acceptance” or in other words, self love, which is an absolutely perfect theme for the month of love.
The intro letter notes that loving others is only possible by loving yourself first. So, for a month that focuses on relationships, it’s good that this theme focuses on the foundation of your relationship with yourself first.
That’s how you know yourself and set boundaries for what you need and accept in relationships after all. The intro letter is full of acceptance wisdom and is a great motivator for putting this month’s healing crystals to work. Here’s a closer look at the products in the Self Acceptance Manifestation Box:
Black Tourmaline and Fluorite Gemstone Bracelet for Self Acceptance
Each month a handcrafted gemstone bracelet is included. It’s personalized to your wrist size and made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. This month the bracelet inspired by “Acceptance” is made with black tourmaline and fluorite.
The information cards shared that: “Black tourmaline is one of the most coveted stones for protection and cleansing. It’s commonly used in rituals, grids, meditations, shrines and a variety of applications across continents, cultures and practices. Its ability to soak up, repel and banish negative energy is second to none in the healing crystal space. As it’s associated with the root chakra, black tourmaline is key in providing balance, security and grounding in your life.” and also, “Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at Auric and Chakra cleansing. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation.”
I can see why these two stones were chosen with their grounding and negative energy repelling properties as the only way to focus on true self acceptance is to block out anything negative and love yourself just as you are. Not only are these two stones a wonderful energy pairing, but they look beautiful together too. I like how the fluorite shows up as several different colors though from the same stone. I kind of take that as a reminder that we each have many facets and we can love each of them just as they are.
Kunzite and Pearl Necklace for Self Love
You will also find a handcrafted gemstone necklace in each monthly box. It is also made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. The “Acceptance” necklace this month is made with a pearl that’s paired with a beautiful pink kunzite stone. The pendant is the perfect size and weight and the silver chain is a good match to the cool iridescence of the pearl and stone.
As for the healing properties, the included information shared that: “Pearl is the “Stone of Truth, Faith and Love,” enhances personal integrity and helps provide focus and deep meaning to the object of your attention, bringing you wisdom and spiritual guidance. Pearls help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy.” And “Kunzite, with its loving pink energy, activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the light violet energy of the mind, the Crown Chakra. This healing communication between mind and heart produces a powerful peace penetrating the inner core of one’s being and is expressed as pure joy in thoughts and feelings.”
I figured there had to be a heart chakra related stone in this month’s tool kit and I’m glad to see it’s Kunzite and not the typical rose quartz. I’ve actually not heard of this stone before and find it to be lovely in it’s color and in it’s healing properties that very specifically align with acceptance and self love. It look lovely with the pearl as well and pairs well with the pearls properties of love and feminine energy too.
Honey Calcite is a stone of empowerment
Each monthly box includes a healing crystal, a gemstone or an earth element to meditate with. You can hold it in your palm or keep it under your pillow to enhance your practice. This month the healing crystal of honey calcite was chosen. I’ve not heard of this crystal before and definitely don’t have it in my collection yet so I’m glad that it’s what was chosen. I’m extra appreciative when the stones are unique and thoughtfully match the theme like this one. Of course it’s a beautiful honey color like the name suggests and I love it’s raw cut form too.
The handy interpretation card included information that “Honey Calcite is a stone of empowerment. Believed to hold vibrations of strength and confidence, this is a stone that can bring you a great deal of mental clarity and courage to stand for the things you believe in.” In the journey to self acceptance, confidence and mental clarity seem undoubtedly necessary. This stone will be a good one to turn to when working on loving myself this month.

Meditation Cards for Self Acceptance
Each month you will also receive two powerful affirmation cards to create EMPOWERING BELIEFS and set your mind on compassionate living. The idea is to keep one, and gift one.
This month’s message is “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” – Amy Bloom. Such a simple and powerful message on the affirmation cards this month. A good reminder that you aren’t one or the other, you’re both.
When you can realize that, it’s much easier to lean toward acceptance. The use of a young girl in the imagery is even more powerful too as I really think to find true self acceptance we’ve got to talk to our inner child and assure them too. This month’s card definitely needs to be put on the mirror for a positive and constant reminder of self-love.
Astrology Forecast
You’ll receive a PERSONALIZED Astrology forecast for health, love and happiness based on your Zodiac each month. When you subscribe you choose your zodiac on the submission form and then each month you’ll get a horoscope sent just for you. I appreciate how the horoscope loosely connects to the theme in that it asks deep questions for self discovery, but is larger in it’s purpose too.
My personal horoscope says I’ll feel the need for expression and trying new things. I can totally feel that energy coming up and see that it says to be mindful with any new experiences as to not be hasty, which makes a lot of sense and I appreciate the insight. I love feeling like the horoscope was written just for me and like to refer to it as the month passes by.
Final Thoughts
Another perfect theme with the arrival of this box! Love will be in the air for February as it always is, and I am loving the reminder that self love is the most important love of all. Thought it’s not always the easiest to conjure, this month’s letter reminded me how truly imperative it is to find love and acceptance within our selves to be able to love others even better. I always find interesting information, wisdom and inspiration in each letter from Szilvia and appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into it.
Of course, the jewelry included is lovely as usual too. I like that some stones were chosen that I wasn’t familiar with and were the perfect match to the acceptance theme. I’m looking forward to making habits to take extra care of myself during the month of February with all these tools, and hope that the habits stick through the year ahead too, since self acceptance is a needed daily life skill.
There you have my subscription highlight on the February 2022 Manifestation Box from Gogh Jewelry. Were you inspired to discover new healthy habits or at least a new piece of jewelry?? Share your favorite parts about this box below!
And if you’re curious about previous boxes, I’ve got a review of the January box right here. Of course, if you want to subscribe yourself, there are a few limited time specials that save you even more. Subscribe here and use the codes below!
- $5 Off First Month for Monthly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL5
- $10 off First Month for Quarterly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL10
- $20 off First Month for 6 month Plan with code: BOTANICGAL20
- $50 off First Month for 1 year Plan with code: BOTANICGAL50
AND, if you just want some jewelry without the subscription, find all kinds of beautiful accessories here. Be sure to use this code: BOTANICGAL for 10% off your order.