Thinking of switching to Sustainable Fashion?

Recycled jewelry, upcycled clothing, sustainable fashion and ethical businesses.  Brands should be held accountable for their production process and fair trade principles. Use your voice and your wallet to vote for Sustainable Fashion!


Written by Szilvia Gogh and Ofra Nissani


Recycled, upcycled, sustainable, ethical…  All these words have been very trendy to use lately.

Just like with organic food… it sounds good and we all want to say we eat organic.

I hear more and more business owners advertising that they sell recycled jewelry, upcycled fashion, they have a sustainable business and source their materials ethically 😉

They have one thing in common, they all represent what the fashion industry needs, but in reality, is falling short on.

We’re nearing the end of the pandemic that shut down the world.  Out of this debilitating world event that traumatized industries, including the fashion industry, something good have also emerged. 

It seems to me that humanity at large spent more time outside and connected with Mother Nature.

And by exploring her oceans, forests and even just the backyard garden… I noticed that more and more people started to take steps to saving our planet.

While people were pivoting all over the world, some small manufacturing organizations started accepting ‘small batch’ start up brands that use recycled textiles, like our friends at Guru

Zero Waste Bracelet from Gogh Jewelry Design

The importance of the oceans and Mother Earth in our lives is something I am very passionate about. That is why I created a line of jewelry (Zero Waste Collection) that repurposes scuba diving parts into an expression of our love for the ocean and scuba divers.

Sustainable fashion is possible when artisans consider closing the waste loop. I am diverting as much waste as possible from ending up in landfills.

By creating jewelry from usually discarded bits of rubber and plastic and by sourcing my materials locally or when I am already traveling, I feel like I am making a small but significant step towards a cleaner ocean and a healthier world.

I do not feel that I am giving up anything for the planet, but rather that I think about Mother Nature and make counties choices to keep her safe both in my personal life and when I make choices for Gogh Jewelry Design.

I avoid disposable plastic as much as I can, so they do not end up in the ocean strangling a turtle, whale or seal…

The adoption of compostable shipping bags used for shipping while shops were closed throughout the pandemic was a great start in showing how much the fashion industry has the power to change. 

Small steps like targets for using recycled materials, or sustainable fibers are the future for the big organizations that create styles for the masses. 

I hope to see more of this continued approach in the coming years as brands work to becoming more transparent. 

Brands should be held accountable for their production process and fair trade principles.

Zero Waste Jewelry from Gogh Jewelry Design

Yes, I would love to see more recycled jewelry, upcycled clothing, sustainable fashion and ethical businesses succeed in the world of Fashion.

To have a sustainable business, it really starts with our individual choices. I find that our businesses are the reflection and result of our beliefs and desires.

I use refillable water bottles. I pack lunches in washable snack bags instead of zip-locks. When I buy shampoo or any products, I opt for bulk rather than small, multiple packages. I keep canvas bags in my car, so when I am shopping, I do not take plastic bags from stores I avoid helium filled balloons for birthday parties as those end up in the ocean. I do pick up trash I see on my way and conduct beach clean-ups above and bellow the surface.

I re-use, re-purpose everything in general.

I am sourcing my jewelry materials locally or when I am already traveling, so I can reduce the number of fossil fuels used to get them to my studio.

Some other ways that I strive to run a sustainable business is using as little plastic as I can, so I use canvas bags for packaging and paper products for shipping.

In the mean time, Guru, who have been using upcycled saris for years, is now starting to even consider the option of a recycled capsule to continue capturing some market share from brands that do not do their part to prevent damage to the environment. 

Small brands like Guru and Gogh Jewelry Design who have pioneered the movement, will continue to build the awareness that eventually leads to the demand for other brands to do better by the environment as well.

There is so much work to be done in the world of fashion to prevent damaging the environment.  Use your voice and your wallet to vote for Sustainable Fashion!

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