Master Healer Wrap Bracelet to Help Live Your Best Life

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Wrist Size: XS - 5 inch Wrist Size

Master Healer Wrap Bracelet to Help Live Your Best Life


Being happy is for most of us one of the key aims in life. But where we often go wrong is in figuring out which path to take to achieve that happiness. Often we look outwards to find the answer that helps us on the path toward happiness. But there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.

It is a fine balance between these energies and wearing the wrap bracelets together will provide you the yin and the yang, energizing and calming. While the crystals are healing you, they are also motivating you to embark on this journey of living every day as your best self.

Enjoy every moment of every day, embrace yourself and those surrounding you. See the beauty in everything around you! Choose to be the "cup half full" person. Do only good deeds. Think and speak only with compassion and kindness towards every living being - including yourself.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become action.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes destiny.


+/- 27 inch long. Wear it as a layered bracelet or as a stylish, chick, long necklace - It is up to how do you feel the morning you wake up. 

Handmade with Love in California.

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Master Healer Wrap Bracelet to Help Live Your Best Life
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