The Remover of Obstacles in Your Life - Ganesha Necklace

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Unisex Ganesha Yoga Necklace for the Wise Person with Bony Wood and Lava Stone Mala Beads 

"Ganesha is my absolute favorite Hindu deity and this necklace, by far, is my most adored piece of jewelry. Whenever I wear it, I feel the comforting heaviness of Ganesha’s purpose. His will and his symbolic place in the world is the Remover of Obstacles, and to be a remover of obstacles, one must be stronger (heavier) than the obstacle which is removed.

I feel Ganesha's strength and energy and I derive immense pleasure and comfort from it. Others notice it, as well. I can’t stress enough how many compliments I receive whenever I wear this Ganesha necklace out and about. People routinely stop me and comment on it.  It truly is amazing," said Aria Morgan, yoga instructor.

Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, the God governing the life-force and the earth-mother. This symbolizes the spirit and body of the wise person. Finally, the wise person has the dignity of an elephant.

Created with devotion and infused with energy making them a perfect piece of sacred jewelry for contemplating life’s struggles, dreams, intentions and goals, reminding the wearer of their Divinity.

Wood: holds the powers of the breath, teleportation, astral travel, and inspiration. Symbolic of confidence and mental wisdom.  Wood teaches us clarity and focus, using our mental gifts wisely and how to best use our intelligence.

Lava stones are excellent for calming emotions thanks to its grounding qualities. Formed from cooling magma, lava is thought to symbolize rebirth, and aid in releasing emotional baggage. These stones are great accessories for aromatherapy since they hold essential oils for up to eight hours as they are porous. You can add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to a lava stone.

Using Prayer Beads as a tool of meditation is as old as human history. It is not a coincidence that Prayer Beads are present in almost every culture. Prayer beads have metaphysical and psychological affects on their users. The beads absorb the negative energies.

Not into spiritualism? Wear it as a stylish colorful long necklace. 

It is about 30 Inch long with a 2 inch silver pewter Ganesha. 

Handmade with Love in California.